How to print a float with 2 decimal places in Java?

You can use the printf method, like so:

System.out.printf("%.2f", val);

In short, the %.2f syntax tells Java to return your variable (val) with 2 decimal places (.2) in decimal representation of a floating-point number (f) from the start of the format specifier (%).

There are other conversion characters you can use besides f:

  • d: decimal integer
  • o: octal integer
  • e: floating-point in scientific notation

You can use DecimalFormat. One way to use it:

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();

Another one is to construct it using the #.## format.

I find all formatting options less readable than calling the formatting methods, but that's a matter of preference.

I would suggest using String.format() if you need the value as a String in your code.

For example, you can use String.format() in the following way:

float myFloat = 2.001f;

String formattedString = String.format("%.02f", myFloat);