macOS Sierra Download Time Est 33 hours

I have tested my network download speed (hit 132 Mbps, but that was to server within 100 miles), changed the DNS server address to,, restarted my macbook, but the download time will not change! Please tell me there is something else I can do to fix this. I expected some extra download time with everyone upgrading, but this is ridiculous -- it is 2016, right?


Servers are busy, try at another time of day, not when America is awake & the EU are all home for dinner.

I got mine in about 40 mins, at around 8am, GMT

It has nothing to do with what DNS servers you use. Once you're connected, DNS is not even relevant. Your own ISP's DNS would normally be faster anyway, as it's [theoretically] optimised for your connection.

Rebooting your router/modem & all network hardware, then your Mac may help a bit, fresh everything up.

this always happens, think of the size of the update, imagine thousands of people doing that at once, hundreds of gigabytes, will rack up very fast, give them time, and your update will be with you, in time, the best time is to leave it to update at US nighttime, when the servers are at the least load.