Is there a way to get a new MacBook Pro (Max OSX Lion) with the Aqua style on it? [closed]

I am looking at Mac OSX Lion and I am not liking the fact that Aqua is gone. No more blue scrollbars, no more 3D look, no more beautiful Aqua design. (drop-downs, radios, scrollbars, etc.) I do not currently have a Mac but if I ever get one, (I highly want one, but they're too expensive for me to afford right now) I want the Aqua look back. Is there any way to do this? I really hope that there is.

Solution 1:

There is no "official" way of changing it, though OSX is customizable with 3rd party apps. I researched around a bit and found out though that most of these apps won't work with Lion. Perhaps as time passes by Lion updates for these apps will be released, and perhaps you will be able to make Lion look however you want.

Here is a page with some themes for both Mac OS and iOS. They provide a theme for Lion, the only one I could find.

Nevertheless, I should clarify:

Aqua is still there. The term "Aqua" refers to the whole UI of Mac OS X, including that of Lion. Over the years it has changed, and it happened again in Lion. I too thought the Leopard-style aqua was better, but trust me, you will like the Lion Aqua.

Scrollbars hide automatically and they are meant to be discrete: having the blue scrollbars back would just defeat the purpose. Just the same, Lion tries to streamline elements such as tab views and progress bars that were perhaps to "obtrusive" to the eye, or called to much attention.

Im typing this from a machine with Lion, and can tell you you will love the new UI whenever you get your mac. Just give it a try! :) Designers at Apple did a great job to my opinion.

Hope it helps!