How to truncate/slice strings on Django Template Engine?


<td>{% if place or other_place or place_description%}{{ place}} {{ other_place}} {{place_description}}</td>

This is displaying all the data in template.I want to truncate the string if it is more than length 80.

Conditions are, 1.If place variable have more than 80 character,it should truncate their and need not show the other two variable like other_place and place_description.

2.If place variable and other_place variable making more than 80 character,in this case it should truncate from place_variable don't need to show place_description variable.

3.If all the three are their and the 80th character is made from place_description,need to truncate from their.

All fields are not mandatory,so whatever field is comes to display,it should show only 80 character.

Need help to do this.


Solution 1:

You could use slice for pre-django 1.4:

{% if place or other_place or place_description%}
    {% with place|add:other_place|add:place_description as pl %}
        {% if pl|length > 80 %}
        {% else  %}
            {{pl }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endwith %}
{% endif %}

If you are using django 1.4 or greater,

You can just use truncatechars

{% if place or other_place or place_description%}
    {% with place|add:other_place|add:place_description as pl %}
    {% endwith %}
{% endif %}

Solution 2:

You could probably do it with a combination of add/truncatechars e.g.

{{ place|add:other_place|add:place_description|truncatechars:80}}