How to survive to 6 Reapers rush on Starcraft II Lotv TvT

Solution 1:

This opening is becoming more and more popular these days, but, also, is becoming popular how to handle it.

First point, SCOUT

Scout immediately after your first barrack gets finished.

  • If you are not able to stick into opponent's base then go and scout for proxies, if you feel like he's cheesing just throw a scan in his main
  • If you get into opponent's main and see 2/3 barracks immediately go back and prepare

Second point, DEFEND

As soon as you understand what's going on, you need to put on a proper defense.

  • Go for a really fast hellions while holding with marines + some scvs (tank) into banshee
  • Add 2 more barracks and make also mass reapers
  • Reactor first on your barracks (no marines), then adding a factory. You'll get lots of marines + hellions asap

Anyways, you really need to focus with micro and tank with Scvs while waiting for hellions. That's it, I'm sure that if you'll practice a bit with that you'll be able to handle it.

I hope I've been helpful, GL & HF.

Solution 2:

I don't know the exact build order, but Hellion Reaper/Marine holds fine against 3 Barracks Reaper.

You start with the depot and rax, build 1 reaper to scout, then you start building marines. You build your factory ASAP after the Barracks finished and start to produce Hellions.

Normally, the enemy Terran will attack you with the first reaper and will rally his reinforcements to your base, so you'll head a steady growing army.

You need to be a bit careful with your first 2-3 marines and the first Hellion, but as soon as you get your second Hellion and marines you should be able to overwhelm the reapers.

Still, it's micro intensive, but that's the best counter I've seen by now on the Twitch steams from Polt and Winter.