What is the verb for earning money though bad ways or illegal? [duplicate]

How to say if a person earns lot of money especially in a bad ways or through illegal business. I want to know the verb of earning money through illegally and how can we call such a person.

  1. I do not know if there is a single verb to satisfy you, but there are several that are identified with the person's specific conduct.

These include embezzling, stealing, extorting, blackmailing, robbing, fencing, counterfeiting, loansharking, and the like.

  1. The noun that applies to all of these characters is "Crook".

scam(n/v)......is a sneaky or dishonest plan that's meant to con someone.

scamster(n).....: a person who deceives people to get their money.

A scam is basically a hoax dressed up to look like a real business plan, worthwhile invention, or investment idea. Scams are almost always designed to make money for their creators.

  • You can also use the word as a verb: "His evil plan was to scam people into buying fake tickets to the baseball game."


I might talk of someone's ill-gotten gains. That is, incidentally, one of the few instances in Britain where we use gotten.

A good verb that comes to mind, apart from steal and embezzle, is


Use deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions:

a businessman swindled investors out of millions of pounds

1.1 Obtain (money) fraudulently:

he was said to have swindled £62.5 million from the state-owned cement industry

A person earning money through illegal businesses can be...

a racketeer ,

A person who engages in dishonest and fraudulent business dealings.

a fraudster,

A person who commits fraud, especially in business dealings.

or a con artist

A person who cheats or tricks others by persuading them to believe something that is not true:

among others.


I would suggest two possibilities. The person might be sharking

v.intr. To take advantage of others for personal gain, especially by fraud and trickery. [American Heritage Dictionary via the Free Dictionary]

or perhaps spivving, from spiv:-

n 1. Brit a person who makes a living by underhand dealings or swindling; black marketeer [Collins English Dictionary via the Free Dictionary]