How to clear the MySQL screen opened through the MySQL Command Line Client on Windows XP

Note: Please see @Pekka's answer for the Windows version, which seems to be that there is none for windows. However, this is a useful post to take a look at for windows. The remainder of this answer shows how you can do it in Unix / Linux and exists for historical significance as it has clearly been useful to some users.

To clear the editor screen in Unix/Linux you can type:

system clear

This makes use of mysql's system command to call the shell's clear command.

Note: the system command works only in Unix.

There is a number of solutions in Linux like this one, but the consensus seems to be there is none for Windows. See e.g. here or here (scroll to the bottom)

\! clear

Since 'clear' is a Linux operating system command and Linux and Mac OS X are both forms of Unix, this command might very well work fine for you too.

Please note that the '! ' in front of the clear command is used to tell MySQL to pass the command back to the OS to handle.

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