How to determine status of upstart job in bash script?

Solution 1:

Create your own Bash function and put this in your ~/.bashrc:

    status $1 | grep -q "^$1 start" > /dev/null
    return $?

I really dislike the way of parsing output, but I don't see another obvious way. And in this case the output of <service name> start is very reliable as it's specified in the Upstart documentation.

Now you can use it like this:

if check_upstart_service ssh; then echo "running"; else echo "stopped"; fi

Solution 2:

Normally you use a PID file but you can also use pgrep to check your processes. Assume your service is called jobX this will work:

if [ $(pgrep jobX) ]; then

Or even better

if pgrep jobX > /dev/null 2>&1

Solution 3:

Based on String contains in bash:

job_status=$(status ${job})
if [[ ${job_status} == *running* ]]
    # do whatever you need
    # do whatever you need

My first impulse was to use variation of code ImaginaryRobots provided

dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=com.ubuntu.Upstart \
  /com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/${job}/_ \
  org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:'' string:state

which would return something like

method return sender=:1.0 -> dest=:1.94 reply_serial=2 variant string "running"

and use the solution above to check if the returned string contains "running". However case that job is not running dbus call will exit with status 1 instead returning "waiting" as I was expecting.

status ${job} would never exit with status 1 except in the case when there is no such job.