How can I add a JavaScript keyboard shortcut to an existing JavaScript Function?

Here is my code:

function pauseSound() {
    var pauseSound = document.getElementById("backgroundMusic");

I would like to add a keyboard shortcut to this code, how can I do this so that the function can also be executed when a button is clicked too?

Tried to add an else if statement but it doesn't work, any ideas?

function doc_keyUp(e) {
    if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 88) {

    else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 84) {

Solution 1:

An event handler for the document's keyup event seems like an appropriate solution.

Note: KeyboardEvent.keyCode was deprecated in favor of key.

// define a handler
function doc_keyUp(e) {

    // this would test for whichever key is 40 (down arrow) and the ctrl key at the same time
    if (e.ctrlKey && e.key === 'ArrowDown') {
        // call your function to do the thing
// register the handler 
document.addEventListener('keyup', doc_keyUp, false);

Solution 2:

If you want to trigger an event after pressing a key, try:

In this example press ALT+a:

  var e = e || window.event; // for IE to cover IEs window event-object
  if(e.altKey && e.which == 65) {
    alert('Keyboard shortcut working!');
    return false;

Here is a fiddle:

Please also note there is a difference for the keycode numbers, whether you are using onkeypress or onkeyup. W3 Schools' "KeyboardEvent keyCode" Property has more information.

Solution 3:

//For single key: Short cut key for 'Z'
document.onkeypress = function (e) {
    var evt = window.event || e;
    switch (evt.keyCode) {
        case 90:  
            // Call your method Here

//For combine keys like Alt+P
document.onkeyup = function (e) {
    var evt = window.event || e;   
        if (evt.keyCode == 80 && evt.altKey) {
            // Call Your method here   
    //ensure if short cut keys are case sensitive.
    //    If its not case sensitive then
    //check with the evt.keyCode values for both upper case and lower case. ......