What do the symbols like =, * and | in the output of "ls -F" mean?

I believe you're talking about indicators presented by ls -F. From the manpage of ls:

-F, --classify
   append indicator (one of */=>@|) to entries


   append indicator with style WORD to entry names: none (default), slash (-p),
   file-type (--file-type), classify (-F)

To get an overview of the meaning of these indicators, we have to dive into the info page as suggested at the bottom of the manpage (info coreutils 'ls invocation'):

     Append a character to each file name indicating the file type.
     Also, for regular files that are executable, append `*'.  The file
     type indicators are `/' for directories, `@' for symbolic links,
     `|' for FIFOs, `=' for sockets, `>' for doors, and nothing for
     regular files.  Do not follow symbolic links listed on the command
     line unless the `--dereference-command-line' (`-H'),
     `--dereference' (`-L'), or
     `--dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir' options are specified.

Above is an excerpt taken from the 'General output formatting' section. Go there directly using info coreutils 'General output formatting'.


  • * for executables
  • / for directories
  • @ for symbolic links
  • | for FIFOs
  • = for sockets
  • > for doors
  • (nothing) for regular files