Sublime Text URL handler for ubuntu

[I see you have asked this question on both SO and AskUbuntu, so I answer here too, but don't know if one of these shouldn't be closed]

I asked me the same question today, seeing the txmt protocol with "better_errors" gem for Rails.

I search a long time but found nothing, so I tried to make it by myself.

I write an article and my blog, but I copy it here, for "future-proofness" :

Step 1

Create the file /usr/share/applications/sublime-handler.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Sublime Text 2 URL Handler
GenericName=Text Editor
Comment=Handle URL Scheme txmt://
Exec=/home/<your_user>/bin/sublime-handler %u
Name[en_US]=Sublime Text 2 URL Handler

Step 2: Update the MIME-types database

$ sudo update-desktop-database

Step 3: Create the ~/bin/sublime-handler file

#!/usr/bin/env bash

request=${1:23}               # Delete the first 23 characters
request=${request//%2F//}     # Replace %2F with /
request=${request/&line=/:}   # Replace &line= with :
request=${request/&column=/:} # Replace &column= with :
sublime-text-2 $request       # Launch ST2

Then make it executable : $ chmod +x sublime-handler

Step 4: Test a txmt:// file

If that dosen't work, say me, I'll try to help you.