How Do I Save A File With Hide X?

Solution 1:

"error1" means your first non-required option is wrong. In this case that's WAM. Don't use WAM on .zip files because they are already compressed. Also you didn't put "" around the "yes" for WAM.

When using WAM you must provide a compression level. For example:

+wam="yes" +wamcompression="3" 

A higher number means higher compression, but you will need a system powerful to implement the compression so don't pick a really big number. 0 means no compression.

"error014291" means you didn't provide your password. You have to provide your password using the +password="password" option. Given you are new to Hide X, I would also like to remind you that in order to use Hide X you must first login using hidex login.

Here is what you need to use:

hidex login


hidex write +source="/home/myusername/" +password="password" +destination="/home/myusername/"

Solution 2:

"error014291" means you didn't provide a password. I'm not sure what error1 is, but my guess would be you didn't login to Hide X first?

  1. Login using hidex login. Enter your password when prompted.

  2. Now type your commands with your password included.

    hidex write +source="/home/myusername/" +wam=yes +password="passwordhere" +destination="/home/myusername/"