PHP Startup Unable to load dynamic library php_mongo.dll

I'm a beginner for this. I'm trying to install mongodb driver on php.

Platform: Windows 8.1 64bit.
PHP 5.5.9

Followed the instruction here:

I've tried all php_mongo.dll file with VC11 and put in php/ext folder. and added extension=php_mongo.dll in php.ini file but when I tried to start apache in xampp controller I got an error.

    Php Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
  'C:\xampp\php\ext\php_mongo.dll' -%1 is not a valid Win32 application.

I've already check my VC compilator version inside phpinfo() and it's stated there MSVC11 with architecture: x86.

it would be nice if someone can help me. Thanks. appreciate it.

Make sure you download the correct .DLL for your PHP installation. Good chance you're running apache x86, so download an x86 php_mongo.dll. Also if you're running PHP as an Apache module, make sure you pick the thread safe (ts) one and also pick this type of dll that matches the PHP version you're running.

The versions must match or else you will get a php startup error. Find these Mongo DLLs here.

I did this then I got an error libsasl.dll not found. I simply copied the libsasl.dll found in my PHP installation directory to the Apache installation directory (where httpd.exe is found). Then I restarted my Apache and it worked!

For anyone googling this in 2017, the PECL Package has been updated and is now found at

and use:


instead of:


Copy C:\xampp\php\libsasl.dll to C:\xampp\apache\bin\, restart Apache and enjoy.

If you are still having problems after doing the above, do try older version drivers instead.

That is what worked for me on for my XAMPP/ PHP 5.5 on windows 8.

Older drivers can be found here:

New drivers can be found here:

You may also want to visit :

This is normally because we use 64 Bit supported DLL file 64 Bit system. But the wamp/xampp architecture could be 32 Bit. We need to use based on the wamp/xampp architecture not the windows architecture. So, try to find relevant version of DLL file to the wamp/xampp architecture. The solution in the below link worked like a charm to me,

This link helps you to find the wamp/xampp architecture,