How to open files relative to home directory

Not sure if this was available before Ruby 1.9.3 but I find that the most elegant solution is to use Dir.home which is part of core.


  1. The shell (bash, zsh, etc) is responsible for wildcard expansion, so in your first example there's no shell, hence no expansion. Using the tilde to point to $HOME is a mere convention; indeed, if you look at the documentation for File.expand_path, it correctly interprets the tilde, but it's a feature of the function itself, not something inherent to the underlying system; also, File.expand_path requires the $HOME environment variable to be correctly set. Which bring us to the possible alternative...
  2. Try this:


I hope it's slick enough. I personally think using an environment variable is semantically clearer than using expand_path.

Instead of relying on the $HOME environment variable being set correctly, which could be a hassle when you use shared network computers for development, you could get this from Ruby using:

require 'etc'
open ("#{Etc.getpwuid.dir}/some_file")

I believe this identifies the current logged-in user and gets their home directory rather than relying on the global $HOME environment variable being set. This is an alternative solution to the above I reckon.

I discovered the tilde problem, and a patch was created to add absolute_path which treats tilde as an ordinary character.

From the File documentation:

absolute_path(file_name [, dir_string] ) → abs_file_name

Converts a pathname to an absolute pathname. Relative paths are referenced from the current working directory of the process unless dir_string is given, in which case it will be used as the starting point. If the given pathname starts with a “~” it is NOT expanded, it is treated as a normal directory name.