Youtube - couldn't load plug-in [closed]

All of a sudden there's this message of 'couldn't load plug-in' on chrome. Firefox is fine though, I tried updating flashplayer but it didn't work. Thoughts?

Solution 1:

I solved the issue by moving the following folder to a backup:

~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash moved to ~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash.bak

After that kill all processes of Chrome (also the background ones for offline gmail and so on).

It works now for me. Must have to do something with the new rule that you have to enable plugins per page/site before they run maybe?

Solution 2:

  1. Open up Google Chrome
  2. Type chrome://plugins into the address bar
  3. Look for Adobe Flash Player
  4. Click on +Details in the upper right corner
  5. Disable one of the Adobe Flash Player entries, and make sure one is Enabled

If you have installed the package flashplugin-installer you'll see two plug-ins, you can choose whichever you want.

For some reason it was disabled and at the beggining of the list you can also see another libpepflashplayer which is also disabled.

Solution 3:

In chrome://plugins, I disabled libpepflashplayer. Now I can watch youtube and Dateline. :D

Solution 4:

I can't seem to add a comment to Uri Herrara's answer, or even up vote it. But he set me on the right track.

Ubuntu installed a new image and Chrome, and the Flash player is not working. I disabled it, and the

Name:   Shockwave Flash  
Version:    11.2 r202  
Location:   /opt/google/chrome/plugins/  

is working fine

Solution 5:

Don't know why, but the pepperflash plugin used by chrome seems to be crashing recently. Removing the plugin completely will do the trick temporarily, but will be recreated automatically at some point in time, probably after a relaunch of the browser or something.

rm -fr ~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash

This is the command to remove the plugin. Launching chrome thereafter should allow you to play flash via it defaulting back to the default adobe plugin.

If you don't want to go around blowing away directories, you can rename it:

mv ~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash ~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash.bak

It works too.

Again, just a temporary work around, but it works in a pinch until they fix PepperFlash.