Ignore by directory using Pylint

The following is from the Pylint documentation:

    Add <file or directory> to the black list. It should be a 
    base name, not a path. You may set this option multiple 
    times. [current: %default]

Yet, I'm not having luck getting the directory part work.

I have directory called migrations, which has django-south migration files. As I enter --ignore=migrations, it still keeps giving me the errors/warnings in files inside the migrations directory.

Could it be that --ignore is not working for directories?

If I could even use a regular expression to match the ignored files, it would work, since django-south files are all named 0001_something, 0002_something...

Since I could not get the ignore by directory to work, I have resorted to simply putting # pylint: disable-msg-cat=WCREFI on top of each migration file, which ignores all Pylint errors, warnings, and information.

Adding the following to my .pylintrc files works with Pylint 0.25:


My problems are with PyDev which (it seems) is not respecting my settings. This is due, I think, to the fact that it's running Pylint per-file, which I think bypasses 'ignore' checks - whether for modules/directories or files. The calls to Pylint from PyDev look like:

/path/to/site-packages/pylint/lint.py --include-ids=y /path/to/project/migrations/0018_migration.py

To ignore subdirectories under a directory tree named 3rdparty, we added the following ignore-patterns entry to the [MASTER] entry in .pylintrc.

# Add files or directories matching the regex patterns to the blacklist. The
# regex matches against base names, not paths.
# Ignore all .py files under the 3rdparty subdirectory.

This fixed the problem for Pylint 1.7.1.

We were originally confused by the "base names" clause in the comments. Apparently it does accept paths with wildcards. At least it did for us.