Android CONTENT TYPE - Is some standard constant defined by android?
The MIME types returned by ContentProvider.getType have two distinct parts:
The type portion indicates the well known type that is returned for a given URI by the ContentProvider, as the query methods can only return Cursors the type should always be:
for when you expect the Cursor to contain 0 through infinity items
for when you expect the Cursor to contain 1 item
The subType portion can be either a well known subtype or something unique to your application.
So when using a ContentProvider you can customize the second subType portion of the MIME type, but not the first portion. e.g a valid MIME type for your apps ContentProvider could be:
The MIME type returned from a ContentProvider can be used by an Intent to determine which activity to launch to handle the data retrieved from a given URI.
Where did this come from?, or can I change it like
No, because "vnd" stands for vendor in MIME Registration trees, android in this case.