Far Cry 4 Disc Install Issue

I'm still having issues installing the game off the disc. I have more than enough space and the disc isn't scratched but it keeps getting stuck at 63%. Any advice on how to get this to work? Really want to play the game.

Solution 1:

If you have registered your game with Uplay, you can download the game and all updates through your Uplay desktop console. It takes a while, but if you cannot install with the disks, like me, download that way.

Solution 2:

Here is a post I found on GameFAQ of someone who had the exact same issue.

They were able to get it to work with the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Network> Uncheck the 'Connect to Internet' box.
  2. Install disk completely.
    (note that in can still take a while, still several hours rather than possibly over a day long...)
  3. Turn your network settings back on.
  4. Delete the patch if it starts to auto-download when the disk is inserted.
    (via the Notifications > Downloads menu)
  5. Re-prompt updates by using the "Check for Updates" option on the Far Cry 4 game icon.

From what I've read online, it looks like it just tends to take an atrociously long amount of time. Hopefully those steps help a bit, but you might still have to muscle through quite a long install. (IF you decide to restart for any reason(s), it might be a good thing to make sure you don't have any residual FC4 files on your system before restarting)