An app or script to watch folder and display new images in full screen?

I'm teaching a photography class and would like to use a cheap setup to display photos taken by the students in real time.

I have a macbook pro and an iphone. I also have an eye-fi card but it's an old one and doesn't work with ad-hoc networks so that's out of the question.

I'll likely be using RemoteSnap on the iphone connected to an ad-hoc wi-fi created by the mac. With this setup, the photo jpgs end up in a folder.

How can I haev every new photo in this folder to appear on the screen (in full screen)?

Thank you!

The other simpler alternative is to accept that you are already in fullscreen quicklook mode, and use the following Applescript in the above Automator action to simply select the newest file.

tell application "Finder"
    set the_folder to container of (item 1 of input) as alias

    if window 1 exists then
        set the target of window 1 to the_folder
        reveal the_folder
    end if

    select input as alias
    activate window 1
end tell

If you are already within a fullscreen quicklook, then effectively you are showing the newest file screen. It is akin to pressing "up" or "down" while in fullscreen quicklook on an already populated directory.

Take your first picture, enter fullscreen quicklook mode, take successive pictures.