Is 'file' a keyword in python?

Is file a keyword in python?

I've seen some code using the keyword file just fine, while others have suggested not to use it and my editor is color coding it as a keyword.

No, file is a builtin, not a keyword:

>>> import keyword
>>> keyword.iskeyword('file')
>>> import __builtin__
>>> hasattr(__builtin__, 'file')

It can be seen as an alias for open(), but it has been removed from Python 3, as the new io framework replaced it. Technically, it is the type of object returned by the open() function.

file is neither a keyword nor a builtin in Python 3.

>>> import keyword
>>> 'file' in keyword.kwlist
>>> import builtins
>>> 'file' in dir(builtins)

file is also used as variable example from Python 3 doc.

with open('spam.txt', 'w') as file:
    file.write('Spam and eggs!')