Is Automator suitable for complex folder based workflows?

There is a similar workflow kit at that takes disc images (dvd, bluray, etc.) and converts them to various formats. There are a number of actions you could copy for file movement, etc., and attach them as folder actions to A, B, and C.

It should also be a simple matter to pick and choose which actions and workflows you would require for this.

Even better, the underlying technology for these actions are just shell scripts. If you can write a shell, ruby, python, etc. script, you can create your own Automator action. You could easily store state regarding files in A, B, and C that have already been copied to D and only copy them again if certain criteria are met, such as a change in file size, modify date, or md5 hash.

Try using the application Hazel it's $22 with a free 14 day trial. It can implement very powerful rules based workflows.

Create rules to automatically keep your files organized Hazel watches whatever folders you tell it to, automatically organizing your files according to the rules you create. It features a rule interface similar to that of Apple Mail so you should feel right at home. Have Hazel move files around based on name, date, type, what site/email address it came from (Safari and Mail only) and much more

You may have to experiment to get exactly the behavior that you want.