Alt+F2 doesn't display the Run Command Prompt in GNOME Shell

Solution 1:

Try deleting global_keybindings/%gconf.xml this file (You can also edit this file), for not working user. File contains key bindings for that gnome session. Had same problem worked for me after deleting file and resetting Alt+F2 for the run command prompt in System Settings.

global_keybindings file would be present in ~/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybinding/%gconf.xml

Steps to reset Alt+F2

Open System Settings => keyboard settings window, navigate to Shortcut tabs and set the System > Show the run command prompt key with Alt+F2. To set the key, simply double-click on the list or for new key bindings right click the Show the run command prompt key and press new keys from keyboard.

Go to System Settings and click the “Keyboard” icon.

enter image description here

Click on the “Shortcuts” tab. On the left panel, select “System”. On the right, select the first entry “Show the run command prompt” and click on “Disabled” to activate it. You should now see “New shortcut…” enter image description here