Configure "Link-Local Only" without NetworkManager?

I have two computers, each of which I want to connect to a camera that communicates via "Link-Local" Ethernet.

The first computer has a full install of 12.10. I can get the camera communicating by going to NetworkManager -> Edit Connections -> Edit... -> IPv4 Settings -> Method -> Link-Local Only. Visually this looks like:

enter image description here

This works great. However, the second computer is an install of 12.10-minimal and does not have the Network Manager or a GUI. To configure it manually via the command line I have tried this:

ifconfig eth0 broadcast netmask

which is identical to the ifconfig produced on the first computer. However, the camera is not recognized.

The big question: How do I configure my Ethernet port like Network Manager's "Link-Local Only" without Network Manager?

Solution 1:

You must use a different IP address for your second PC:

ifconfig eth0 netmask