Multithreaded downloading with shell script
Let's say I have a file with lots of URLs and I want to download them in parallel using arbitrary number of processes. How can I do it with bash?
Solution 1:
Have a look at man xargs
-P max-procs --max-procs=max-procs
Run up to max-procs processes at a time; the default is 1. If max-procs is 0, xargs will run as many processes as possible at a time.
xargs -P 20 -n 1 wget -nv <urs.txt
Solution 2:
If you just want to grab each URL(regardless of number) then the answer is easy:
URL_LIST="http://url1/ http://url2/"
for url in $URL_LIST ; do
wget ${url} & >/dev/null
If you want to only create a limited number of pulls, say 10. Then you would do something like this:
URL_LIST="http://url1/ http://url2/"
function download() {
touch /tmp/dl-${1}.lck
wget ${url} >/dev/null
rm -f /tmp/dl-${1}.lck
for url in $URL_LIST ; do
while [ 1 ] ; do
while [ $iter -lt 10 ] ; do
if [ ! -f /tmp/dl-${iter}.lck ] ; then
download $iter &
break 2
let iter++
sleep 10s
Do note I haven't actually tested it, but just banged it out in 15 minutes. but you should get a general idea.
Solution 3:
You could use something like puf which is designed for that sort of thing, or you could use wget/curl/lynx in combination with GNU parallel.