Is it a bad idea to upgrade to 18.04 right now? [duplicate]

In my opinion, it's not worth it.

I had been using Ubuntu 16.04.1 for 2 years. Apart from a few minor bugs, I had no problem with it. As soon as the new Ubuntu 18.04 was released (26 April), I did a clean installation.

But then came the major bugs.

  1. Eclipse would refuse to start and give a missing runtime error, even though I installed it the exact same way I did it 2 years ago. After fixing that problem, Eclipse works, but it hangs alot.

  2. Visual Studio Code refused to start, even though I installed it using command line (sudo apt-get), the exact same way I did few months ago. I had to manually make changes in the installation folders to fix it.

  3. sudo apt-get upgrade gives Error 404 too often.

  4. Ubuntu 18.04 lagged a lot, even though Ubuntu 16.04.1 ran smoothly.

  5. Ubuntu 18.04 hangs an average thrice a day and doesn't recover from it, so I have to do a force shutdown. Unlike Ubuntu 16.04.1 which would usually recover on its own.

  6. Sometimes Ubuntu 18.04 hangs at the login screen itself. Again, force shutdown is the only solution.

  7. Most problems reported on Ask Ubuntu, Stack Overflow and YouTube are for older versions. And their solutions don't work for Ubuntu 18.04.

  8. SciDAVis, a plotting software for scientific data, is not available in Ubuntu 18.04 anymore due to dependency issues.

It took me an entire Sunday to get all my software running again. And I haven't solved all the problems yet.

So, if you really want to upgrade, wait for Ubuntu 18.04.1 which will come out soon. The current version has been released in a hurry to meet the deadline. If you don't need anything from the new upgrade, then it's a risk you're taking.

Good luck ;) if you're willing to risk it.

Not necessary at all to upgrade now, but you are welcome to do it

You are welcome to upgrade to 18.04 LTS, but several bugs will be found (and squashed) during the first months. If you want to join the adventure to test the latest and greatest, yes you can try to upgrade, but first you should 'Try Ubuntu' live from the installation media, and then make a test installation alongside your production operating system or installed in an external drive.

You should always backup everything important before you start upgrading to a new version.

Wait for 18.04.1 LTS, if you want a smooth ride

If you want a smooth ride, you should wait until the first point release in July or August. By that time this new version, 18.04.1 LTS will be polished and debugged. Also the procedure for upgrading will be much more reliable than now.