Commonly accepted best practices around code organization in JavaScript [closed]

It would be a lot nicer if javascript had namespaces built in, but I find that organizing things like Dustin Diaz describes here helps me a lot.

var DED = (function() {

    var private_var;

    function private_method()
        // do stuff here

    return {
        method_1 : function()
                // do stuff here
        method_2 : function()
                // do stuff here

I put different "namespaces" and sometimes individual classes in separate files. Usually I start with one file and as a class or namespace gets big enough to warrant it, I separate it out into its own file. Using a tool to combine all you files for production is an excellent idea as well.

I try to avoid including any javascript with the HTML. All the code is encapsulated into classes and each class is in its own file. For development, I have separate <script> tags to include each js file, but they get merged into a single larger package for production to reduce the overhead of the HTTP requests.

Typically, I'll have a single 'main' js file for each application. So, if I was writing a "survey" application, i would have a js file called "survey.js". This would contain the entry point into the jQuery code. I create jQuery references during instantiation and then pass them into my objects as parameters. This means that the javascript classes are 'pure' and don't contain any references to CSS ids or classnames.

// file: survey.js
$(document).ready(function() {
  var jS = $('#surveycontainer');
  var jB = $('#dimscreencontainer');
  var d = new DimScreen({container: jB});
  var s = new Survey({container: jS, DimScreen: d});;

I also find naming convention to be important for readability. For example: I prepend 'j' to all jQuery instances.

In the above example, there is a class called DimScreen. (Assume this dims the screen and pops up an alert box.) It needs a div element that it can enlarge to cover the screen, and then add an alert box, so I pass in a jQuery object. jQuery has a plug-in concept, but it seemed limiting (e.g. instances are not persistent and cannot be accessed) with no real upside. So the DimScreen class would be a standard javascript class that just happens to use jQuery.

// file: dimscreen.js
function DimScreen(opts) { 
   this.jB = opts.container;
   // ...
}; // need the semi-colon for minimizing!

DimScreen.prototype.draw = function(msg) {
  var me = this;

I've built some fairly complex appliations using this approach.