Is there a word for someone/group of people that intentionally ignore an issue caused by them?

I'm looking for a word/phrase similar to 'turning a blind eye' to describe someone/a group of people who intentionally ignore a problem caused by them because it's easier to ignore it than deal with it.

Specifically I'm looking for a word to pair with 'consumption' (consumer consumption) to be used when referencing the effects on the environment.

Thank you.

'reckless' was suggested by @FumbleFingers in the comments.

reckless: utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless

The adjective for such people is "rash" or, as mentioned by FF, "reckless". Both words mean "careless to the point of irresponsibility".

  • rash - (adj) " acting without due consideration or thought" TFD


Their rash actions resulted in a serious accident that could have killed someone.

Don't be rash about this decision. Take your time.

It was rash of you to make that promise.

Another option: to have one's head in the sand.

Definition, origin and examples:

Your example: The active purchasing habits of the community showed their head was in the sand regarding environmental well-being for the next seven generations.