Extract Links from a sitemap(xml)

You can use python script here

This script get any links started with http

import re

f = open('sitemap.xml','r')
res = f.readlines()
for d in res:
    data = re.findall('>(http:\/\/.+)<',d)
    for i in data:
        print i

And in your case next script find all data wraped in tags

import re

f = open('sitemap.xml','r')
res = f.readlines()
for d in res:
    data = re.findall('<loc>(http:\/\/.+)<\/loc>',d)
    for i in data:
        print i

Here nice tool to play with regexp if you not familiar with it.

if you need to load remote file you can use next code

import urllib2 as ur
import re

f = ur.urlopen(u'http://server.com/sitemap.xml')
res = f.readlines()
for d in res:
  data = re.findall('<loc>(http:\/\/.+)<\/loc>',d)
  for i in data:
    print i

If you're on a Linux box or something with the grep tool, you can just run:

grep -Po 'http(s?)://[^ \"()\<>]*' sitemap.xml

This could be accomplished by a single sed command, which seems to be more solid than the grep solution:

sed '/<loc>/!d; s/[[:space:]]*<loc>\(.*\)<\/loc>/\1/' inputfile > outputfile

(found at: linuxquestions.org)

Using XSLT, you can render it out with XPath
