tmux - Insert a window at a specified position
The script below will allow you to do what you want. You can run it from a shell prompt or you can do:
:run "ins-move 2 5"
That example moves window two to the position before window five.
for ((i=$1; i<$2-1; i++))
tmux swap-window -s :$i -t :$((i+1))
Try: new-window -a
using -a option when create new window can insert the new one just at the next index, while all other subsequent windows' index will increase automatically.
I have got a solution without the need of external scripts. Put the following in your .tmux.conf:
bind i command-prompt -p 'Insert window at:' 'run-shell "if tmux select-window -t %1; then tmux new-window -a; tmux swap-window -s %1 -t \$((%1+1)); else tmux new-window; tmux move-window -t %1; fi; tmux select-window -t #I; tmux select-window -t %1;"'
Press [PREFIX]-i and provide wanted insert location. The last 2 select-window commands make sure the 'previous' window is set as expected and you go to the inserted window.
EDIT: ok, I spoke too soon. I had to change #I
to #{window_id}
because the window index changes for some windows on insertion. The new function (with added newlines for readability):
bind i command-prompt -p 'Insert window at:' ' \
run-shell " \
if tmux select-window -t %1; then \
tmux new-window -a; \
tmux swap-window -s %1 -t \$((%1+1)); \
else \
tmux new-window; \
tmux move-window -t %1; \
fi; \
tmux select-window -t #{window_id}; \
tmux select-window -t %1; \
I started using a simplified version, through the following 2 commands in .tmux.conf:
bind i command-prompt -p 'Insert window at:' 'new-window -a -t %1; swap-window -t -1'
bind I command-prompt -p 'New window at:' 'new-window -t %1'
Prefix-i inserts a new window at position x when window x exists, and moves windows above that one up. Prefix-I creates a new window at position x when window x doesn't exist.