Ubuntu's max resolution is 1024x768 (unknown monitor)

I'm running Ubuntu 13.04 and the max resolution it's letting me choose for the monitor I currently have plugged in - a 1280x1024 monitor - is 1024x768. The description for the Monitor is "Unknown". See attached:

Unknown monitor

The monitor is an IBM ThinkVision L170P.

Solution 1:

From https://askubuntu.com/questions/139947/why-cant-ubuntu-12-04-detect-my-screen-resolution

Open your terminal and run this:

xrandr --newmode $(cvt 1280 1024 60 | grep Mode | sed -e 's/.*"/1280x1024/')

Solution 2:

First type xrandr -q to see your valid screen outputs eg. VGA1/DVI-1 etc...
Then xrandr --addmode DVI-1 1600x1200
Then new option will appear in your Displays configuration
Tested on ubuntu 14.04 and 2 screens ;)
note this change is not persistent after restart. To make it persistent I made shell script which do above mentioned command xrandr --addmode... and then I add line to file /etc/lightdm as follows


this way new resolution is added before desktop try to set it...