Using lambda expressions for event handlers

Solution 1:

There are no performance implications since the compiler will translate your lambda expression into an equivalent delegate. Lambda expressions are nothing more than a language feature that the compiler translates into the exact same code that you are used to working with.

The compiler will convert the code you have to something like this:

public partial class MyPage : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MyButton.Click += new EventHandler(delegate (Object o, EventArgs a) 

Solution 2:

Performance-wise it's the same as a named method. The big problem is when you do the following:

MyButton.Click -= (o, i) => 

It will probably try to remove a different lambda, leaving the original one there. So the lesson is that it's fine unless you also want to be able to remove the handler.

Solution 3:

EventHandler handler = (s, e) => MessageBox.Show("Woho");

button.Click += handler;
button.Click -= handler;