Enum.values() vs EnumSet.allOf( ). Which one is more preferable?

Because I did not receive the answer to my question on which one is more efficient, I've decided to do some testing of my own.

I've tested iteration over values(), Arrays.asList( values() ) and EnumSet.allOf( ). I've repeated these tests 10,000,000 times for different enum sizes. Here are the test results:

oneValueEnum_testValues         1.328
oneValueEnum_testList           1.687
oneValueEnum_testEnumSet        0.578

TwoValuesEnum_testValues        1.360
TwoValuesEnum_testList          1.906
TwoValuesEnum_testEnumSet       0.797

ThreeValuesEnum_testValues      1.343
ThreeValuesEnum_testList        2.141
ThreeValuesEnum_testEnumSet     1.000

FourValuesEnum_testValues       1.375
FourValuesEnum_testList         2.359
FourValuesEnum_testEnumSet      1.219

TenValuesEnum_testValues        1.453
TenValuesEnum_testList          3.531
TenValuesEnum_testEnumSet       2.485

TwentyValuesEnum_testValues     1.656
TwentyValuesEnum_testList       5.578
TwentyValuesEnum_testEnumSet    4.750

FortyValuesEnum_testValues      2.016
FortyValuesEnum_testList        9.703
FortyValuesEnum_testEnumSet     9.266

These are results for tests ran from command line. When I ran these tests from Eclipse, I got overwhelming support for testValues. Basically it was smaller than EnumSet even for small enums. I believe that the performance gain comes from optimization of array iterator in for ( val : array ) loop.

On the other hand, as soon as you need a java.util.Collection to pass around, Arrays.asList( ) looses over to EnumSet.allOf, especially for small enums, which I believe will be a majority in any given codebase.

So, I would say you should use

for ( final MyEnum val: MyEnum.values( ) )


    EnumSet.allOf( MyEnum.class ),
    new Predicate< MyEnum >( ) {...}

And only use Arrays.asList( MyEnum.values( ) ) where java.util.List is absolutely required.

You should use the approach which is simplest and clearest to you. Performance shouldn't be a consideration in most situations.

IMHO: neither option performs very well as they both create objects. One in the first case and three in the second. You could construct a constant which holds all the values for performance reasons.

There is also Class.getEnumConstants()

under the hood they all call values() methods of enum types anyway, through reflection.