Measure FPS of the game

I'd like to find an analogue of Fraps or any other fps counter on Ubuntu 12.10.

After some googling I found 2 solutions:

  1. To use Mumble (I found it from this discussion). This solution didn't work for me because after launching the game:

    mumble-overlay game

    I got this error:

    game: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/mumble/ undefined symbol: glPopClientAttrib

    And I didn't find any fix of this error in the WEB.

  2. To use WINEDEBUG=fps with osd_cat. It works only with wine (only Windows games). Found from reading this discussion and this article. It shows FPS during play but the output is definitely wrong - 0.15-0.18 fps. And it doesn't matter if game really runs slow or fast - the result is always the same.

Does anyone know how to fix these errors? Or are there any other solutions? Thanks for the help.

You can use BuGLE:

$ BUGLE_CHAIN=showfps LD_PRELOAD=/home/sa/Temp/bugle/lib/ glxgears

$ cat bugle.log 
[INFO] logstats.frames per second: 36.2 fps
[INFO] logstats.frames per second: 60.1 fps
[INFO] logstats.frames per second: 60.0 fps
[INFO] logstats.frames per second: 59.9 fps

$ awk '{ s += $5 } END { print "average framerate: ", s/NR }' bugle.log
average framerate:  59.7136

You will need to compile and configure BuGLE but this will work with any software using OpenGL to render graphics.

BuGLE HomePage

Frapix is a software that can make something similar (promises to be similar to Fraps), but keep in mind that BuGLE is the "default" solution to this.

Frapix Google Project Home