Ubuntu 18.04 installation problem

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 18.04 from flash disk on my laptop (Asus x550j) but each time it freezes at the "updates and other software" page.

I tried different ways: normal install, minimal install, installation without networking, installation with networking, but still the same problem.


I had the same problem, and I spent several days trying different .ISO files, USB sticks, UEFI and secure-boot settings, all to no avail.

I finally did find a workaround, but you're not going to like it because it is time-consuming. First install Ubuntu 16.04, and then upgrade to 18.04 with this:

sudo apt-get update  
sudo apt-get upgrade  
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  

The upgrade takes a few hours, but at least it works.

I had the same issue. For me it was the graphics driver (Nouveau) that made the system freeze.

Then I found a solution that worked for me.

  1. Disable Secure boot (BIOS setting)
  2. Boot from USB
  3. In the grub menu, go to the Install Ubuntu option (BUT DONT PRESS ENTER)
  4. Press 'e'
  5. Find the line that starts with 'linux' and after 'quiet splash' add: modprobe.blacklist=nouveau
  6. Install Ubuntu Once the installation is done, remove the pendrive and reboot system
    Installing Nvidia Drivers

  7. Select Ubuntu in the GRUB menu (you may need to repeat the modprobe.blacklist=nouveau step if the screen freezes again).

  8. Run the following commands in a terminal window

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
    sudo apt update
    //You can change this driver to whatever version suits you best
    sudo apt install nvidia-driver-418
    sudo reboot
  9. Profit!

This solution was found here:

As I suspected in my comment above (Ubuntu 18.04 installation problem) this is related to a bug that fills up the log (GBs in minutes): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/671979

The solution for that bug is to edit grub and restart, which is useless in this case, being a liveUSB session.

What I did instead, was to disable logging alltogether, following this other answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/32553762/1203176 :

service rsyslog stop

I chose "Try without installing", got to the graphic environment and entered that command in the terminal, before choosing the installation. Doing that, I was able to get past the normal/minimal install page, and complete the installation. Once the system was installed, I could follow the grub solution for the log bug.

Hope that helps, it's still a problem for 18.10