Is there a word for someone who is not aware of how pretty or handsome he/she is? [closed]

Solution 1:

Innocent might work to capture the lack of conceit:


Without experience or knowledge of:


Alice is that much more charming, because she is so innocent of her beauty.

Solution 2:

"modest", as mentioned by Kandpal in a comment, is the closest I can get.

Other adjectives such as "humble", "shy", "meek" and "timid" seem like poorer choices.

  • That country girl is really modest. She seems to be completely unaware of her beauty.
  • modest - (adj) "not too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities"
  • modesty - (noun) " the quality of not being too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities" MW


"I noticed she is very modest about her physical characteristics."

"The scientist accepted the prize with modesty."

"The princess is known for her modesty, which is very unusual among royals."

"His whole speech reeks of false modesty."

Solution 3:

In our civilization, where physical beauty is so highly prized, I would call someone who isn't aware of their own good looks to be clueless.

Solution 4:

If the person lacks self-awareness of their good looks, then Mari-Lou A's suggestions are pretty spot on.

If the person is trying to succeed by the merit of their work rather than their looks, then you could use the word unpretentious.

: not having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are
Merriam-Webster online

However, if the person lacks confidence in the way they look, then I would use the word insecure.

: not confident or sure : uncertain <feeling somewhat insecure of his reception>
Merriam-Webster online