run script with parameter in cron [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Redirect the error to file will help you debug easier:

*/10 * * * * root python /home/project/ slope_update >> /tmp/foo.log 2>&1

Solution 2:

Try putting the full path to python in your crontab e.g.

*/10 * * * * root /usr/bin/python /home/project/ slope_update


The problem will be that the PATH in cron does not include the directory where python is installed (/usr/bin) so you need to supply the full path to python.

Edit Edit:

You are running this from your /etc/crontab ? If not then the root parameter is not required and may be causing problems.

Check email for mail from cron as it sends output from a job to you.

Check where your python lives, which python and adjust the path in the crontab accordingly.