What is the meaning of "uber-"? [closed]

The German word über is a cognate of the Greek ύπερ and Latin super.

In the German language it exists as preposition, prefix, adverb and translates on its own. It has many translations, and indicates a state or action involving increased elevation or quantity in the physical sense, or superiority or excess in the abstract (dictionary). It is defined by context or compounds, such as, but not limited to over, about, around, among, by, via, through,

Some examples

übertragen - to transfer, to hand over
übernehmen - to take over
überkommen - to overcome
übertreiben - to exaggerate
überhaupt - at all
überall - anywhere
überfüllt - overcrowded
über 10 Sekunde - more than 10 seconds (misused as "in ten seconds...")

In English, usually slang, denotes a superlative, excessive or extreme, translating as such (e.g. super, more than any). Words such as superman derived from the German word.

On a side note. Latin also knows ubertas and uber. The former translates as fertile growth, abundance, fruitfulness. In English we know it as uberty. Ubertas is derived from the Latin adjective uber (fertile) and originated as noun meaning breast, udder.

über in german means over or above. Like there might be an overlord... someone above other lords. The slang of the internet has made this become more like "super". It generally means that whatever it is modifying is above others.