What IM do you use to login into Microsoft Office Communicator? [closed]

Solution 1:

I used to use pidgin-sipe in Pidgin. The same plugin apparently works through empathy too.

I say "used to" because I'm not longer in an environment where I need it, not because I found anything better. As far as I know, it's the only plugin to tackle the problem.

In short, I think you're left trying get your problems fixed (report a bug), rather than jumping boat to another project... Which is probably healthier for both of you.

Solution 2:

pidgin-sipe works very well, make sure your office communicator server and proxy server (if necessary) is set correctly.

Solution 3:

As it was said, you can use either Empathy (installed by default on UBuntu) or Pidgin (available in the Software Centre), as long as you install the following plug-in which works for both: pidgin-sipe.

There is a detailed explanation of the steps on this forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291311

Look for Huygens' (myself) posts.