Using "Oblivion" color scheme from gedit in Kate

I like gedit's color scheme Oblivion a lot. Is there a way to use the same color scheme in Kate text editor?

I know that configuration files for color scheme for gedit and Kate aren't compatible. I wonder if someone already adapted Oblivion scheme for Kate.


From the link posted by Allan:

Put the following in the file ~/.kde/share/config/kateschemarc:

Color Background=46,52,54
Color Highlighted Bracket=255,255,153
Color Highlighted Line=68,76,77
Color Icon Bar=234,233,232
Color Line Number=0,0,0
Color MarkType1=255,255,0
Color MarkType2=255,0,0
Color MarkType3=255,255,0
Color MarkType4=255,0,255
Color MarkType5=160,160,164
Color MarkType6=0,255,0
Color MarkType7=255,0,0
Color Selection=136,138,132
Color Spelling Mistake Line=255,0,0
Color Tab Marker=133,133,133
Color Template Background=204,204,204
Color Template Editable Placeholder=204,255,204
Color Template Focused Editable Placeholder=102,255,102
Color Template Not Editable Placeholder=255,204,204
Color Word Wrap Marker=118,122,124
Font=DejaVu Sans Mono,8,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0

Note, that due to different syntax highlighting, this might not be an 1:1 adoption of Gedit's theme.