What is fuse Filesystem

While installing the Office 2010 on Linux Ubuntu I received the error message that

Error: The following file is located on a Fuse Filesystem. It may prevent wine from working.

I'm using PlayonLinux to install Office 2010

Any Suggestions.

Ok disabled the Security Check as told by @Rinzwind

Wine said that

Error: Wine seems to have crashed. If your program is running, Just ignore this message

So I ignored it and moved on by clicking NEXT, but then it displayed the Error message

Error: Binary not found: WINWORD.EXE, EXCEL.EXE OUTLOOK.EXE. Have you installed the program to the default Location?

Why is saying that when I didn't installed it.

I'm using. Iso image of office as source

  • You are installing your software on a NTFS partition and that system is mounted using a FUSE driver.

  • You can disable this test by opening the PlayOnLinux console and typing:

    POL_Config_Write NO_FSCHECK TRUE

    But you will get no support if you use this since Wine does not guarantee correct execution of programs on anything but POSIX filesystems so it throws an error.

Source 1 and source 2

Regarding the edit

You need to take a close look at the installation script. If you trying to install the 64bit version or the professional version of Office 2010 only the 32bit normal version is supported.