How to change desktop only font color?

My desktop font are not so legible with some background, so i want the old gnome behaviour. I managed to choose a custom desktop font following this answer, but i want to change color and possibly a text shadow. It's theme depending? what i have to edit?

I'm using 11.10, both Gnome Shell and Unity.

Solution 1:

You have to change the file: gnome-applications.css, located probably in /usr/share/themes/YOUR_THEME_NAME/gtk-3.0

The CSS class responding to desktop icon text is .nautilus-desktop.nautilus-canvas-item.

When you change the color, you have to do more than Alt+F2 and r, it's necessary to kill the Nautilus desktop instance. Simply run killall nautilus, and then open some windowed Nautilus instance -- it should launch the desktop.