Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061) (2003)

I know this question was asked a lot before but I tried some of the solutions which were given and nothing worked..

I have downloaded MySQL Workbench 6.1 on my windows 7 x64 and now as I want to start and do a simple DB I set a new MySQL Connection and let it as default the Hostname, port and the username I just set the name of the connection. In the beginning it was showing down in the action output that Could not connect.Server may not be run and in the msg part it was written Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061) but I thought I would be able to do a DB and test it Then I created simple DB and when I wanted to execute it I couldn't press the Bolt which execute the DB so I tried from Query and I pressed the 2nd option which is "Execute(All or Selection) to text" as I couldn't choose any other option and this error was shown Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061) (2003)

I am new in this I have used SQL*Plus for a while but it is not the same.

Thanks in advance.

Solution 1:

If you have already installed MySQL on a windows machine make sure it is running as a service.. You can do that by

Start --> services --> MySQL(ver) --> Right-Click --> Start

Solution 2:

Looks like the mysql server is not started.

Look to the official documentation of MySQL how you can start a service under windows.

Install the server as a service using this command: C:> "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysqld" --install

Solution 3:

I was facing the same problem, but what I did not realise is that I did not have the MySQL Server installed. You must simply install the MySQL Server.

In order to install the MySQL server, you must run the "MySql Installer" and then press the "Add" button and then choose the "MySQL Server" in the tree.

After doing that, run you workbench again and you'll notice that there'll already be a connection configured. Hopefully, you'll be able to create a new connection or as many connections as you want.

Solution 4:

(Windows) If you have already installed MySQL server

cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.X\bin mysqld --install

and still cannot connect, then the service did not start automatically. Just try

Start > Search "services"

and scroll down until you see "MySQLXX", where the XX represents the MySQL Server version. If the Status isn't "Started", then

Right Click > Start

If you are here you should be golden: enter image description here