find files their name is smaller or greater than a given parameter

Solution 1:

Never ever iterate over ls output!

Here's my suggestion:

for fn in *; do test "$fn" -$1 "$2" && echo "$fn"; done


Sorry. The above works only if $fn and $2 are numeric. You'll have to replace -$1 with $op, and prepend a selector in front of the loop. op="<" or op=">" depending on $1 is lt or gt, respectively.

Solution 2:

Unfortunately for this technique, /usr/bin/test doesn't support STRING > STRING, however the shell builtin test does so we have to invoke the shell in order to be able to use find -exec and avoid a loop:

find $PWD -type f -exec sh -c 'test "{}" "<" "$PWD/N00.P004"' \; -print

The question remains whether spawning a shell repeatedly is more efficient than running a loop. However, the chief advantage to using this technique is that you can do recursive processing without a pipe.

You can create a function that uses this technique and allows you to use gt and lt instead of having to pass quoted < or >:

my_finder () { 
    local op=$1
    case "$op" in
        "gt") op='>';;
        "lt") op='<';;
           *) echo "Invalid operator"; return 1;;
    find $PWD -type f -exec sh -c 'test "{}" "$op" "$PWD/$2"' \; -print


$ my_finder gt N00.P003

Solution 3:

for num in {001..003} ;do ls N00.P"$num"; done

Replace 003 with limit you want to put.