Learning/Implementing Design Patterns (For Newbies) [closed]

I'm a confused newbie and hobbyist programmer trying to get a grip on this, so forgive me if my question is a little off or doesn't make much sense.

I see a lot of questions on SO revolving around the use of design patterns, and I'm wondering if anyone has a good resources for learning about, and implementing design patterns? I understand the general idea, and know how/when to use a couple of them(Singletons, Factory methods) but I know I'm missing out.

(Just in case it matters, my language of preference is C# but I could learn from examples in other languages)

Head First Design Patterns

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and the Design Pattern Wikipedia page are the best resources for beginners. FluffyCat is another good, free online resource for design patterns in both Java and PHP.

The Gang of Four book is where to go afterward, but it's fairly advanced, so I'd wait until you have a pretty firm grasp from the other resources.

Design patterns are great for various reasons:

  1. gives you a starting for solving common problems.
  2. gives developers a vocabulary to talk about certain ways of solving problems in a very compact manner.
  3. when working with developers who know design patterns and you use design patterns in your solutions they will understand the solutions a lot faster.

But when your goal is just to learn design patterns I think you are missing the fundamentals. All design patterns are based on more common principles. High Cohesion, Low Coupling Open Closed Principle, DRY, Liskov Substitution Principle etc. For these fundamentals I would read the following books in this order:

  1. Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (Head First) [ILLUSTRATED] (Paperback)
  2. Applying UML and Patterns (Hardcover)
  3. Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# (Robert C. Martin Series) (Hardcover)

After that you are ready for the basic gang of four design patterns

  1. Head First Design Patterns (Head First) [ILLUSTRATED] (Paperback)
  2. The BIBLE
  3. A nice website (don't buy anything, it is not worth it) http://dofactory.com/Patterns/Patterns.aspx (some implementations of this site are worth a discussion

The next step:

  1. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Addison-Wesley Signature Series) (Hardcover)
  2. The POSA books

And always remember : the pattern is not the goal !