Single word request for

Holding a flower with a smile plastered on her face?

Definitely twitterpated

Sounds like she might be twitterpated

North American informal
1. Infatuated or obsessed:

  • Gus is still hopelessly twitterpated by Lee
  • smiling into each other’s eyes, a seemingly twitterpated couple glided

1.1 In a state of nervous excitement:

1940s: from twitter + -pated 'having a head or mind of a specified kind' (from pate); popularized by the 1942 film Bambi.
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full of emotion, hopes or dreams about somebody/something in a way that is not realistic

I remember when you were all starry-eyed about Rob.


Can you make Hallmark Cards an adjective?

sad or romantic in a foolish or exaggerated way

too good or kind, or expressing feelings of love in a way that is not sincere:

There is this old movie where the girl is all lovey-dovey.