Word for physical resistance / resisting another's onslaught?

I wrote a prologue

"The Demons are returning to Earth," Anael said.

"Are you certain?” Sariel questioned.

“It has only been three millennia."

"The signs are there."

"Are the humans able to resist?"


The intended meaning is the "Demons" are headed to Earth to do bad things (not exactly your classic alien invasion, but something bad). The question is whether the humans are able to resist the bad things the "Demons" are up to.

Some beta readers interpreted "resist" in the context of "resist temptation" rather than "offer physical resistance".

I can clarify the meaning with extra words, but I want to keep the prologue concise. Is there a better word than "resist"? If not, suggestions for making the meaning unambiguous with minimal extra words?

Solution 1:

You could use withstand as in "Are the humans able to withstand them?"

to stand or hold out against; resist or oppose, especially successfully:

Although it's not a single word, there is also stand up to as in "Are the humans able to stand up to them?"

To confront fearlessly; face up to.

Solution 2:

To mount a resistance is less ambiguous:

"Can the humans mount a resistance?"

"Can the humans mount an effective resistance?"

(The latter would imply that the humans may try to resist, but will ultimately fail.) It does have a strong military tone to it, which might not be appropriate depending on what these "Demons" are actually planning to do.

The first option is the same number of words; the second option adds one word but is less pithy.

Solution 3:

Consider "endure", which implies that the demons pose a physical threat to the humans.

Endure — M-W

: to continue to exist in the same state or condition
: to experience (pain or suffering) for a long time
: to deal with or accept (something unpleasant)

Solution 4:

Another option would be "defend," although the clearest phrasing would require a second word:

"Are the humans able to defend themselves?"

Resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger.

Solution 5:

An aggressive option:

are the humans able to fight?

A defensive option:

are the humans able to fortify their defenses?

A middle option:

is the human military able to oppose them?