What problem do my settlers have with beds?

While I was browsing my shops in Sanctuary, I heard one of my settlers mention a "bed problem". When I asked my barman if there was any problem around the settlement, he also talked about the "bed problem", and how it "puts everyone on edge".

I have currently 12 settlers and 17 beds in Sanctuary, so it's not like they have to share a bed or something, yet they still don't seem very happy with their beds.

Could it be because I have multiple beds in the same house, or multiple beds in the same room? Do they not like sharing a room with their fellow settlers?

Solution 1:

What seems to be the problem is that you haven't assigned the beds to anyone, which makes someone wanting a bed to rest look for the closest one and if it is occupied already, makes that person unhappy.

This is based on those 2 threads I found talking about the same problem and that the solution was to assign the beds.

First one :

So I took the time to put it to where I had exactly 20 beds, and then assigned each person a bed that night. It's been a couple days in game, and they haven't complained since.

Second one :

I've had some issues with beds as well. My latest problem was fixed by manually assigning everyone beds in the workshop mode (hit E on settler, then E on bed). Maybe try that.

I'd placed beds in every house in Sanctuary at the start of the game, thinking people might use them eventually so why not. But the settlers picked random beds all over the town, and something about that situation was making them unhappy. So I consolidated the beds into the houses in the center of town, made a town bell to gather my settlers, assigned them all to nearby beds, and put the unused ones into storage.

Solution 2:

I don't think the bed actually has to be reachable for the settler. I was delighted when I found that Greygarden build area actually included a chunk of the overpass above - thought it would be a nice, safe place for people to sleep. NPCs never climb the stairs and generally stand around the workshop all night.Beds show they are assigned, and all NPCs are happy.

At Abernathy's, however, people have complained, and I've had to assign beds. I didn't exactly sign up with the Minutemen for parenting some bums.

One thing I found is that NPCs will not step over another sleeping NPC, so don't put beds too close.