How to get Visual Studio to open Resolve Conflicts window after a TFS Get

When I do a Get Latest in Visual Studio, if there are conflicts, there is nothing that is displayed to me to make it obvious. Invariably I think everything is OK, do a build, and often the build works.

The onus is always on me to remember to look for conflicts, to open the Conflicts window. Is there any way to make VS get in my face, and tell me that there is now a conflict?

Solution 1:

You can re open the Resolve Conflicts window if you closed it by mistake from Team Explorer. Goto: Pending Changes, then from the Actions drop down, select Resolve Conflicts.

From there you can click Get All Conflicts.

Normally VS will prompt you to resolve any conflicts as soon as you do one of the following:

  • Get latest
  • Check in
  • Merge

Solution 2:

Click the link I surrounded with a red contour in the Team Explorer pane.

enter image description here

And in Visual Studio 2013:

enter image description here