What are the effects of the various Protectron Personality Modes?

The different Protectron Modes exhibit demonstrably different behavior and combat capabilities.

Construction Worker Mode enforces workplace safety laws with deadly force. Specifically, it will attack anyone not wearing a hard hat (though it seems several other types of helms will also qualify).

Law Enforcement Mode will not attack you if you don't have a weapon drawn.

Medical Responder Mode does not appear to be hostile unless attacked, and when engaged in combat, will melee with it's "defibrillating" shock hands.

Well the Medical Responder does not attack you unless you attack it. The Subway Steward should take a token if you have it in your inventory like previous games (just a guess) as a way to get it to attack your enemies for you; but, as of right now, it will ask for a token, but attack anyway with the respons "delinquit actions will not be tolerated." even if it takes the token (which has happened to me). The rest just change dialogue, but will attack on sight.

The subway steward WILL accept a token but you have to hit the action key immediately when asked for the token... testing has shown the time permitted is less than a second.

Fire Brigadier will tell you the object you are carrying is fire hazardous and to please dispose of it if you are carrying a weapon