Does lightning strike on an angle?

Solution 1:

It looks like, or is rendered to strike on an angle, but actually it only happens at the vertically highest (up to 127) solid block at its horizontal location. In other words, the lightning travels vertically downward through non-solid transparent blocks with a few exceptions you won't care. This is a theory from code reading, and it seems bckbck has verified this.

Solution 2:

Yes, but not all the time.

The thunderbolts do strike diagonally, but most of the time it strikes like the picture below.lightning

There are also times when it will strike diagonally. diagonal lightning

I recommend that you extend the glass shield to about 10x10 so that the lightning will not hit it at all (lightning should not be struck at an angle of more that 45 degrees)

Also, wooden stairs do not burn.


I tried manipulating the lightning again. I used zombe's modpack to manipulate the lightning by using the weather control (turned on thunderstorm with mayhem modifier which increases the frequency of lightning). However if you use single player command's "weather lightning" command single player commands "weather lightning" command in a cave , it will go through anything.

So I decided to do an actual test with wood and a glass canopy. wood and glass canopy

Then I turned on lightning with mayhem modifier. It didn't strike through the canopy. lightning unable to pass thru glassanother one

As you can see it DID NOT pass through. In the end, my wood was in PERFECT condition. none of it was burned.wood not burned

Solution 3:

This post seems to indicate that it does - linked is a YouTube video where you can see the lightning hitting the ground underneath trees.

Your building could possibly get hit, you may want to build some more protection..


Unfortunately, all the testing I did below was in vain - the mod I was using to induce the lightning seems to be causing it to pass through everything up to its target. Till I find proof that vanilla Minecraft lightning does this, I'm revoking the below answer :(

Thanks bckbck for spotting this


I've gone back and done some testing to see if lightning can hit stuff that is protected by shields at varying heights.

My precious wood pile ready to be sacrificed:

I built a shield (10x10), made of sandstone at level 50, and forced lightning to hit.

I found that the lightning would either go round the shield, or strangely, THROUGH it!

After repeated tests, it became obvious that my pitiful shield wasn't enough, the wood kept burning up - so I built another one at 100 blocks high, again 10x10 in size.

Even with this shield, the wood was still getting set on fire, so I expanded the shield on layer 100 to 25x25.

Again I found that the lightning would strike through the shield, so with a final attempt to make my poor wood pile safe, I put a layer of cobblestone on top:

No luck..

My conclusion is that it doesn't matter if lightning strikes on an angle, since it looks like lightning will strike through the shield anyway.